September Meeting
The Meeting was hosted by Anup and Indra Chaudhry at their residence and attended by Umesh Chandra, Anand Awasthi, Manoj Tyagi, Vishal Awasthi, Hema Chandra, Yogesh Govil, Anita Govil, Usha Arya and Ila Awasthi, besides the hosts.
The purpose was mainly to decide on the date, format and venue for the upcoming Diwali program. The date was tentatively set at November 21st, be confirmed after making sure it does not clash with other big events in the area. Venue will be either the Bhartiya temple or a firehopuse banquest hall, if they allow fireworks.
The format of Diwali will be similar to last year, with performances from members and their kids, some games and copetition etc.
A suggestion was that the core committee and active volunteers should try to get-together every couple of months. The next get-together will be in the first weekend of December, location to be confirmed later.
We also discussed preobably nominees for the elections next year. Manoj Tyagi's name was proposed for Program Director and Manisha Jain's name for membership drive in charge. Both accepted their responsibilities.
We also talked about the proposed Youth Group activities. Bhupen offered to plan and coordinate it with Yogesh Thakur.