UPAGP Potluck Team Meeting & New Members Welcome - APR 2 2017
Meeting Place: Anit & Rashmi Jain's home Attendees: Anit Rashmi Jain, AnupJi & Indra ji, Umesh Ji, Vishal Awasthi, Manisha Jain, Bhupendra Singh, Richa Tiwari, Mukesh Parmar, Usha ji, Savita Rai, Pankaj Arora, Riya bhaskare, Rupika Bansal, Sonal & Prashant Jain.
After socialization and lunch (12:00 – 1:15pm), Anup ji conducted the meeting for the agenda distributed in advance. 1) Welcome to new members - Savita Rai, Pankaj Arora, Riya bhaskare, Rupika Bansal, Sonal & Prashant Jain were present in the meeting. - 10 Families have joined UGAGP in so far in 2017. 2) Anup ji took pictures of executive committee members, trustees, new members, etc. Some of the pictures to be used on President’s letters. 3) Holi Planning
Venue & Catering (Mukesh Parmar) – Caterer, Kitchen helper, tea, dry color, paper products – Finalized.
Communication (Rashmi Jain) – Reminder will be sent on Wed Apr 5. Brochure – Formatting, ad, articles almost 70% done. Additional work will be completed by 15th for printer.
Start to call all members to find out the count for the function. Rashmi will be sending assignment sheet for calling members.
Rashmi will create list of new members & their sponsors who are entitled for free tickets.
Entertainment (Manisha Jain): Program (Performances and timings finalized). Program list for brochure to be provided by Wed Apr 5. All other tasks are ready for Holi program.
Financial (Bhupendra Singh): Tax and Insurance for the year are done. Setup to purchase tickets from site using Paypal is done. Follow up on wrist band and name tag is required.
Strategic Initiatives (Umesh Ji, Vishal Awasthi): Around $2K worth of ads from sponsors are there. - Trophy count required: 50. Umesh ji will bring to the venue. - Idea was the discussed if someone will sponsor all events of a year then 20% discount will be given.
Youth Group: Youth group will be helping in Holi program. Richa ji has list of tasks that kids will be performing.
Next Potluck meeting will be at Manisha ji’s place on June 4.
Next conference call meeting will be on May 07, 2017.
4) Additional items discussed:
New offering: UPAGP will plan to conduct additional events from this year: Bus Tour (Aug/Sep), Charity (December), Valentine (February)
Website upgrade, automatic membership form submission
Contact list update in Outlook
5) Discussion on dates for picnic and upcoming bus tour.
- Tentatively picnic will be on July 8th and bus tour going to be on Aug/Sep.
- Mukesh Parmar will finalize the venue for picnic and will work with Usha ji & Savita ji
Some of the pictures of get together (Thanks Anup ji !!)
1. Executive Members

2. Board of Trustee and Team Leads

3. New Members who attended the meeting

4. All members present at Potluck meeting