UPAGP Potluck Team Meeting - Feb 5, 2017
Date: Feb 5, 2017
Meeting Place: Ila & Vishal Awasthi’s home
Attendees: Ila & Vishal, Anup & Indra ji, Krishna & Pramila ji, Manisha, Atul, Bhupendra, Rashmi, Anit, Richa, Mukesh Parmar, Usha ji, Anurag, Anand, Rakesh Mohindroo
After socialization and lunch (12:00 – 1:00pm), Anup ji conducted the meeting for the agenda distributed in advance.
Following points were discussed & decided in the meeting:
1) Welcome to new members - Rakesh Mohindroo was present in the meeting. 6 members joined in 2016. - Bhupendra: New member profile template exists in Outlook folder. 2) TD Bank/Check Transition - Signing authority has been transferred to Bhupendra ji (Primary) and Anup ji (Secondary) 3) Mailing List Update - Rashmi will follow up with 10 members who volunteered to help in updating the list. - Members list to be finalized by March 17. 4) PO Box - Anup ji will work with Srinath to finalize the details. Forwarding the PO box mails to Treasurer’s home address was considered. 5) UPAGP Items - will be kept by - Manisha Jain - banners - Vishal Avashthi - trophies - Mukesh Parmar - Paper products and utensils 6) Preferred List - Preferred list of vendors, process details, etc. to be maintained. - Trophy – Vishal - Catering – Mukesh Parmar, Usha ji - Cultural Program, Artists – Manisha Jain - Template – Bhupendra - Brochure and Article – Rashmi & Bhupendra - Evite - Ila 7) Future Team meeting Schedule & Location - Will be held on 1st Sunday of every other month. - Dates & location for 2017 * 4/2 – Rashmi Jain, 6/4 – Manisha Jain, 8/6 – Mukesh Parmar * 10/1 – Krishna Agarwal, 12/3 – Anurag Jain 8) Dates of upcoming functions - Vishal to finalize and provide the updates in next conf call - Mukesh Parmar to explore venue for picnic. May be combined with camping trip. More to come on this. 9) Status update on upcoming functions - Manisha Jain will be coordinator of the event - Holi function date –changed to April 29 - Venue – most likely Bhartiya Temple but can’t be booked until Feb end - Catering, financial, other logistics to be finalized. - Draft of Holi Flyer was shared by Rashmi - Finalize everything by March 16. Updates to be provided on conference call. 10) Updates on Strategic Initiatives - There are various ideas to explore for membership drive and sponsorship.
- Umesh ji and Vishal to update the group later. 11) New Items - Valentine Party – idea generally welcomed by the group so can be planned for next year. - Bus Tour – 1 Day bus tour – good option for socializing and team bonding - Chief guest – Vishal needs to finalize. Many names were suggested for possible guests. May call elected officials or officials of Indian Consulate in NY also. 12) Next conference call meeting - Second Sunday of every other month - Next meeting on March 16 - Ila to provide conf call bridge details