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New member welcome and Holi planning meeting

The meeting started with snacks and tea.

Umesh Ji welcomed new members into Upagp and thanked Vishal Awasthi for providing his office space as a venue for the meeting.

Manoj Tyagi asked about the purpose and mission of the organization and Umesh ji answered by providing the history of the organization.

All the members present gave their introductions to each other.

Umesh Ji explained about the UPAGP library. Bhupen Singh has taken the responsibility to manage the library for another year.

Umesh ji also talked about the new community involvement initiatives UPAGP is considering, mainly getting involved with supporting the Bhutanese refugee community in Philadelphia.

Holi Planning:

The new members offered to provide a lot of help and support for the Holi program and following things were decided:

Deadline for entries for the performances will be March 21st. We will try to find a way to give some preferential treatment to members.

It will be a mix of cultural performances by kids and adults, followed by an hour of comedy/hasya vyanga for adults.

Vishal will ask Piyush Garg for his participation, Manoj Tyagi will try and arrange for some participants from his circle. We will also try to enlist Umesh Tambi.

Program Committee- Anshu Singh, Yogesh Thakur, Manisha Sangal,

Ticketing- Richa Tiwari, Meetu Tyagi, Ruby Tandon(to be confirmed)

Backstage- Vaishali Sharma(to be confirmed), Manisha Sangal

Hall decoration- Saloni Agarwal(to be confirmed)

Manisha offered to prepare a presentation with Holi songs, they will play in the background during lunch and downtimes

We will try and bring back the 'open mic' time during lunch

Vishal will manage sound

Yogesh Thakur will confirm soon whether he will be able to attend the event and be the MC. If not, we will have to look for a new MC.

Get food quotes from Chinnar, Aman, Himalaya

Gujhia and thandai will be ordered from Sangita

Tickets: adults -$20, kids 5 and above - $15

Entries will be confirmed only after buying tickets

It was agreed to try and get sponsorships for this event by getting ads in the program brochure. Manish Sangal committed to one ad on behalf of her Kumon center.

We will look for a sponsor for trophies.

Manoj Tyagi advised to create a UPAGP group on Facebook in order to encourage interaction

between members.

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