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Republic Day Planning Tele-Conference

Attendees – Umesh Chandra, Yogesh Thakur, Richa Tiwari, Ila Awasthi.

The Following items were discussed:

Republic day program will start at 2:30 pm. Chai and light refreshments will be served in the beginning.

We will try to invite Mr. Nand Todi as Chief Guest for the event.

AGM will run from 3 pm to 4 pm.

Flag Hoisting by Chief Guest at 4 pm.

4 pm to 5 pm will be Cultural program. We will invite members of kids to perform and have one or two kids give a speech on Republic day or a related topic.

5 pm – dinner

Cost of attending will be – Adults and kids above 13 years- $12, Kids 5 yrs to 13 years $8.

Foode will be ordered from Sangita.

We will try to locate Indian Flag.

In AGM, Ila will talk about the idea of creating sub-groups within UPAGP based on age-levels.

We will try to have one in-person meeting in the near future to discuss the coming year’s events and try to book the Bhartiya Temple Auditorium for Holi event so that the Holi date can be announced at the AGM.

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President: Archana Sharma

Vice President: Anshu Singh
Secretary: Saumya Khare
Treasurer: Shreesh Tiwari

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